Tools for happiness
Inspired by Sri Chinmoy's acclaimed book 'The Jewels of Happiness', these articles aim to inspire you in your search for fulfilment.
The Buddha’s words on happiness
Prince Siddhartha left behind his family and his wealth in order to find the truth. After meditating for many years he reached Enlightenment and became the Buddha, the Awakened One. His wisdom speaks to us through the ages. Following are some quotes on happiness from someone who truly knows what he is talking about.
From the Dhammapada:
“If with a pure mind a person speaks or acts happiness follows him like his never-departing shadow.”
“Should a person do good, let him do it again and again. Let him find pleasure therein, for blissful is the accumulation of good.”
“Happy indeed we live, we who possess nothing. Feeders on joy we shall be, like the radiant Gods.”
“Victory begets enmity; the defeated dwell in pain. Happily the peaceful live, discarding both victory and defeat.”
“Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal.”
“Health is the most precious gain and contentment the greatest wealth.”
“Good is it to see the Noble Ones; to live with them is ever blissful. One will always be happy by not encountering fools.”
“Association with fools is ever painful, like partnership with an enemy. But association with the wise is happy, like meeting one’s own kinsmen.”
“Follow the Noble One, who is steadfast, wise, learned, dutiful and devout. One should follow only such a man, who is truly good and discerning, even as the moon follows the path of the stars.”
A selection from the Mahamangala Sutra or ‘The Discourse on Blessings’:
“To be generous in giving, to be righteous in conduct, to help one’s relatives, and to be blameless in action — this is the greatest blessing.
To loathe evil and abstain from it, to refrain from intoxicants, and to be steadfast in virtue — this is the greatest blessing.
To be respectful, humble, contented and grateful; and to listen to the Dhamma [teachings of the Buddha] on due occasions — this is the greatest blessing.
A mind unruffled by the vagaries of fortune, from sorrow freed, from defilements cleansed, from fear liberated — this is the greatest blessing.
Those who thus abide, ever remain invincible, in happiness established.”